Starbound anchor from the sky
Starbound anchor from the sky

starbound anchor from the sky starbound anchor from the sky

It will be supplemented on a regular basis, as soon as new updates appear. This guide has been drawn up basing on the beta version of the game.

  • Information on blocks, resources and items available in the game.
  • A detailed description of boss battles.
  • Explanation for all the aspects of the game: exploration, the system of travels on the spaceship and combat.
  • A walkthrough for the first several days.
  • A detailed compendium on the mechanics and the game world.
  • The final chapter is concerned with interplanetary travels, the way in which spaceships work and the special abilities, called Techs information on biomes, enemy types NPC types and boss battles. The fourth chapter concerns the exploration of planets. The third chapter focuses on the crafting system and the kinds of items, and materials available in the game. It focuses on all the basic mechanics of the game and presents a relatively optimal way to learn the rules of the game and prepares the player to leave the initial planet. The second part is a walkthrough for the first 5 days, of a kind. In that chapter, you can find, among others, a description of game's interface, information about races, combat mechanics and controls. The first part of the guide includes all of the basic information for new players. The whole guide has been divided into five separate parts devoted to a specific topic. the basic gameplay information, the description of survival for several days and a voluminous database connected with the matters like crafting of tools, the types of the planets that you visit or the weaponry available in the game. This guide to Starbound includes all of the necessary information connected with the game.

    Starbound anchor from the sky